Tours are a great way to learn about the Port of Baltimore, its economic importance, and its relationship to the Chesapeake Bay.

Teachers learn about field experiences for students at the Hart-Miller Island dredged material placement site.
Port of Baltimore (for school groups only): An examination of the Port terminals and its impact on the economy, politics, culture, and environment helps prepare students for the transition from high school to post-secondary education and employment. An assessment of the Port and its impact integrates macro- and microeconomics with history, geography, political science, and environmental science. With advance notice, themes and timing can be tailored to your interests and schedule. or 410-385-4438.
Poplar Island (for school groups, community organizations, and individuals): Tours and educational programs at Poplar Island in Talbot County focus on the beneficial use of dredged material to form remote island habitat. Tours will cover erosion and sedimentation, habitat restoration, water quality monitoring, and species diversity. Participants will also learn about cultural history on the Chesapeake from the 1600's through today. With advance notice, themes and activities can be customized to your needs and interests. Contact: or 410-770-6503.
Hart-Miller Island (for school groups and community groups): Tours and educational programs at Hart-Miller Island, located in the mouth of Back River in Baltimore County, focus on the dredged material containment operations, habitat restoration, environmental monitoring, and recreation. Study environmental science, along with the natural and cultural history of the Chesapeake Bay. With advance notice, themes and activities can be customized to your needs and interests. Contact: or 410-729-8649.
TEMPORARILY CLOSED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ------ Swan Creek Wetlands (for school groups and community groups): The Swan Creek wetlands are next to the Port’s dredged material placement site at Cox Creek, near the Francis Scott Key Bridge in northern Anne Arundel County. Tours introduce the wonders of wetland ecology and the issues and impact of the Port of Baltimore. Select from a range of topics and hand-on activities that include water quality testing, native flora and fauna, fish biology, the Port of Baltimore, and the Dredged Material Management Program. Contact: or 410-729-8649.
Masonville Cove (for school groups and community groups): Tours and programs at Masonville Cove in Baltimore City connect students and residents with their natural environment. Activities include hands-on environmental education lessons that illustrate the importance of international trade, the Port of Baltimore, and habitat restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Contact: or 410-729-8649.