Cargo Logistics

Dundalk Marine Terminal

2700 Broening Highway
Baltimore, Maryland 21222


Ryan Barry
Director of Operations
Phone: 410-633-1124
Fax: 410-633-1127

Logistics Picture

The Logistics Department oversees the daily movement of truck and rail within the Maryland Port Administration facilities.

The department ensures that cargo is being handled in an efficient and cost effective manner that results in positive customer satisfaction.

Additionally, the Logistics Department responds to customer requests for terminal charges at the MPA’s various facilities, as well as suggestions on terminal operators and other logistical solutions to make the customers experience at the Port of Baltimore an enjoyable one.

The Logistics Department is the lead department within the MPA on formulating and implementing new intermodal programs for the port to ensure a competitive edge now and in the future. This department maintains direct contact with trucking companies and railroads on a local and national level to insure the very best service in order to stay competitive.

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