Does labor play an active role in the initiative?


​Yes. All unions participate in the QCHAT-related meetings including the Assessment Meetings and the full membership meetings. The union leadership and some rank and file members also participate in the general meeting. Additionally, the union leadership takes the quality message back to all its members.​​

How do I become a QCHAT member?


​If you are involved in the handling of cargo at the POB, you are welcome to become a member of QCHAT. Simply email the Quality Department at the Maryland Port Administration at mpaqchat@marylandports.com​​​.

Who is represented on the QCHAT team?


​Key partners in the POB which include (but not limited to) ocean carriers, manufacturers, stevedores, processors, terminal operators, labor, the Steamship Trade Association, and the Maryland Port Administration.​​

Where are QCHAT meetings held?


​Monthly Assessment meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at the Point Breeze Building located at 2200 Broening Highway. Full membership meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Port of Baltimore Cruise Terminal, 2001 East McComas Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.​​

How do you track progress?


​We have designed an assessment methodology to track our compliance with specific quality factors for each vessel operation. These are compiled monthly and discussed at the QCHAT meetings.​​

What accomplishments have been achieved through the QCHAT?


​Significant improvement in quality performance, communications, and collaboration. When this initiative began, it was impossible to assess the quality of our performance port-wide. Since the QCHAT was instituted, we have been able to achieve and maintain our overall quality performance at 98%.​​

If a quality issue needs to be addressed, what are the proper channels to follow?


Any quality-related issue can be brought up during the general discussion period at the full membership meetings. More specific issues can be addressed at the Assessment Meeting for a thorough discussion and analysis. Issues can always be e-mailed to the MPA Quality Department and brought up by them for those wishing to remain anonymous.​​
