Community: Educator Resources
- The Baltimore Port Alliance
is a group of companies and individuals who make their living in Port-related jobs and provide field experiences for students, offer exhibits at various events, participate in career days, and offer their services as guest speakers to a variety of organizations. Contact: or 410-385-4438.
- The Terrapin Connection Program
teaches students about the lifecycles and habitats of the diamondback terrapin as they raise terrapin hatchlings for eight months at their schools. The turtles are used in many areas of study including math, music, English, and science. The students track growth and other changes and then release the terrapins in the spring on Poplar Island. They also learn about the Chesapeake Bay through a series of classroom-based observations combined with activities that send the message of stewardship and conservation home to any grade level. This program is underway in Baltimore area schools, as well as Anne Arundel, Talbot, and Dorchester Counties. Partners include the MPA, Arlington Echo, Maryland Environmental Services, and the National Aquarium at Baltimore . For information in Anne Arundel County, contact Arlington Echo’s Terrapin Connection. In Baltimore, contact The National Aquarium. For the Eastern Shore, contact the Maryland Environmental Service.
- The Maryland Environmental Service
offers classroom-based environmental education on the important roles of wetlands in the Chesapeake Bay, erosion, water quality, dredging, the impact of Port economics, and the Port-driven environmental restoration work at Poplar Island. Programs can be tailored to fit any group or age level. Contact: or 410-729-8649.
On-Line Gateway
PORT is an on-line gateway designed for teachers and students, but useful to anyone seeking insight on the skills, logistics, and scope of activity that takes place daily at the Port of Baltimore. Includes lesson plans and on-line activities.
Outdoor Education
This Teacher's Guide complements the Port of Baltimore's environmental education field experiences. It includes pre- and post-field trip lessons, and on-site activities your students will be completing when they visit one of our sites.